Friday, August 22, 2014

SEO Team @ climbing park MountMitte

What a lovely Thursday evening! We went to the awesome climbing park MountMitte, a place where kids kick your butt due to their unguarded fearless attitude towards thrill seeking endeavors. Whilst adults like us consider the fear of falling… Plummeting to a slow and gruesome death. Ok a bit dramatic :)

Dressed with helmets that made us all look like little mushrooms and safety gear that was, well, keeping us safe… We made our way up to the top - jumping, hanging, swinging, sliding (screaming, crying, particularly Sabin and Martin), climbing and laughing.

Once we reached the top, we could place ourselves in little cars that were just casually hanging in wires over the ground. You know, just like your normal car driving/passenger experience ;)
When we had all reached the point of our limits - when our arms were aching and our fingers bleeding, we happily made our way down to the ground. Exhausted and in a good mood, we took our helmets off and kissed the ground.

Thank you DP for the great Team Event!

Written by Sabin (SEO)

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