Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Google Partner Grand Slam 2014

Last year Google set up for the first time the Google Partner Grand Slam, a challenge between Online Marketing agencies. A total of around 2000 agencies participated. Now, we are very pround to announce that Digital Performance GmbH reached the 11. Place in that competetion. Next year of course our goal is Top 10!

Erstmalig hatte Google im vergangenen Jahr zum Wettstreit zwischen Online-Marketing-Agenturen aufgerufen. 2000 sind dem Ruf gefolgt und haben sich der Konkurrenz gestellt. Digital Performance GmbH darf sich nun darüber freuen, den 11. Platz des Google Grand Slam belegt zu haben.

1 comment:

  1. I called these guys to get some help with a website I had set up with another webmaster. Elevated helped me figure out how to edit my own website. And they didn't even charge me! Really helpful honest people, they are definitely my first choice for internet marketing in the future. More information you can http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/10/prweb3065944.htm
